Cannas Capital
Cannas Capital Foundation
Cannas Capital Funds
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Are you a business owner facing credit challenges? Look no further! Cannas Capital Holdings presents a comprehensive service tailored to your needs. Build a robust credit profile independently in under 9 months with our expert guidance. Our carefully crafted strategy covers every stage of your business’s lifecycle.

Our Standards:
1. Master Business Profile Essentials:We ensure that you have a strong foundation for your business profile.
2.Elevate Business Credit Reporting:We work on enhancing your business’s credit reporting to boost your credibility.
3. Enhance Personal Credit History: Your personal credit history matters, and we help you improve it.
4. Optimize Financial Statements: We assist you in optimizing your financial statements for better credit prospects.

Our Objectives
– Secure Funding Readiness:We prepare you to be loan-ready, ensuring you meet underwriters’ requirements with an impressive 95% approval rate.
– Strengthen Personal and Business Credit: We work diligently to strengthen both your personal and business credit scores.
– Forge a Solid Business Credit Profile:Our goal is to help you establish a solid business credit profile that opens doors to financial opportunities.

What We Do:

– Trace Business Journey: We track your business’s journey and tailor our strategy accordingly.
– Cultivate Personal & Business Credit: Our experts focus on cultivating both your personal and business credit.
– Strategic Timing for Success: We know when and how to time your credit-building efforts for maximum impact.

Core Credit Business Program – $2,997.00

Outline of the 8-Step Process:

1. **Lay Business Foundation:** We help you establish a strong foundation for your business credit journey.
2. **Garner Established Business Reports:** We gather established business reports to build your credit history.
3. **Apply for Business Credit (3 accounts):** We guide you through the application process for essential business credit accounts.
4. **Monitor Business Reports Closely:** We closely monitor your business reports to ensure they accurately reflect your progress.
5. **Initiate Credit Build with 3 Tradelines:** We initiate credit building by adding 3 tradelines to your profile.
6. **Expand with 3 Additional Tradelines:** We further expand your credit profile with 3 more tradelines.
7. **Integrate 3 More Tradelines:** We integrate 3 additional tradelines, strengthening your credit even more.
8. **Achieve 12 Robust Reporting Accounts:** We work diligently to ensure you have 12 robust reporting accounts, including retail, fleet, service, and business credit cards.

Onboarding Clients
Meet our dedicated Sales Representative who will assist in onboarding new clients. We are here to support your credit-building journey every step of the way.

Unlock your business’s financial potential with our strategic credit program! Contact us today to establish a strong credit profile independent from your company, driving success in less than 9 months. Your business’s lifecycle is our expertise!

Phone: +1 855-722-6627