Cannas Capital
Cannas Capital Foundation
Cannas Capital Funds
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A roadmap to becoming an ASTM Global Standard- Guideline for Social Equity Lending.
Cannas Capital’s mission is to provide practical pathways to aid in shrinking the racial wealth gap by embodying growing initiatives that are impactful and profitable. Our core value is to utilize social economics to create social enterprises that foster social equity.
Cannas Capital Holdings, along with Community Partners National Cannabis Industry Associates and Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana have teamed up to create an AI-Operating System that will perform underwriting solutions developed with unique metric criteria that consider the disadvantages and advantages of offering provisions for diverse business owners to develop social enterprises in our communities.
Cimone Cason, the CEO, approved the first and only minority-owned Cannabis Company in her local municipality as a city commissioner. She has had the honor of serving as the head of some of the most notable organizations in the industry.  She currently sits as the Chairwoman of the National Cannabis Industry Association Risk Management Committee where she focuses on educating others on the importance of protecting your business, constant changes in the Cannabis Industry, and the impact on companies.  She is a member of ASTM’s Cannabis Group where as the Technical Assistant to lead the committee in creating standard guidelines for Cannabis Banking, Investing, and Insurance globally. She’s also a member of the NAIC Cannabis Workgroup aiding in the evolving risk management practices for the industry.  As Minorities 4 Medical Marijuana’s Social Economics Director, she has gathered like-minded entities to join her collective for the mission of “Bank Black”, an initiative that creates underwriting metrics systems that embody the advantages and disadvantages of social equity awardees to help bridge the gap for access to capital for minorities in the cannabis industry. Lastly, during her tenure as the chairwoman of Michingan’s Cannabis Regulatory Association, she and her committee created the Joint Ventures Program as one of the few Social Equity initiatives that remains.

What is Bank Black?

Cannas Capital Holdings, LLC has created the Bank Black initiative to foster a ground-breaking program that will produce sustainable minority businesses in burgeoning industries. We have built an AI-operating system that will perform the due diligence for Grants, Loans, and Investing that incorporates both the advantages and disadvantages of diverse-status business owners. In addition to many traditional underwriting requirements such as Management Team, Payment History, and Collateral Support.  We also employ Community & Demographic Analysis, Social Capital Assessment, Institutional Support, Risk Mitigation Strategies, Long-Term Sustainability, Regulatory Compliance,  and Continuous Monitoring as underwriting standards.

How Does It Work?

Cannas Capital’s Operating System is created for States that want to establish Cannabis Business Lending, Investing, and Granting for Social Equity, Minority owners, and/or the full licensee network.
Cannas Capital’s Operating System is like your MERTC Seed to Sale system, but for managing access to capital, distribution of funds, reporting compliance for asset management, and compliance with U.S. Department of Treasury 2018 FIN-CEN requirements for providing Cannabis Banking services.
Our solution is applicable for State Treasury operations, Minority Depository Institutions, Community Development Financial Institutions, and traditional Mid to Large size Financial Institutions.

Welcome to Cannas Capital Holdings, LLC, where finance meets social impact. We are a social enterprise with a dual mission: to address specific social issues that disproportionately affect minority communities while simultaneously empowering sustainable enterprises. Our goal is to create a positive and lasting impact within our target communities and ecosystems.

**Our Pillars:**

Social Equity:We are committed to creating a harmonious environment where all individuals have equal access to opportunities, regardless of factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or any other characteristic. We believe that true progress can only be achieved when everyone has a level playing field.

Social Economics: At Cannas Capital Holdings, we understand that economic decisions are deeply influenced by social factors. Social norms, cultural influences, peer pressure, and psychological biases all play a significant role in shaping economic choices. We are dedicated to leveraging these human behaviors to create wealth, not debt, within marginalized communities.

Social Entrepreneurship: Our founder, Cimone Casson, is a passionate advocate for positive change. She is committed to addressing specific social problems and challenges within the wealth gap using innovative and creative approaches. With her leadership, we are working tirelessly to bridge the financial divide.

Our Partnerships

Cannas Capital Holdings has formed strategic partnerships with industry leaders to further our mission:

Cannabis Banking Education Provider: We have teamed up with Infused Banking, a financial technology and training company. Infused Banking provides an online platform that facilitates knowledge-sharing, idea exchange, and collaboration among banks and credit unions. This platform includes a comprehensive library of resources, such as policies, procedures, and best practices. Additionally, members can participate in the “Ask the Experts” forum, where industry professionals answer questions and provide insights.

FinResults: We are proud to collaborate with FinResults, a leading fintech company specializing in solving complex compliance and data-intensive business problems. With their expertise in data-centric technologies and analytics, FinResults empowers businesses to develop and implement robust, sustainable, and intelligent solutions in a rapid and cost-effective manner. Banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and other financial organizations can leverage, the platform offered by FinResults, to streamline customer onboarding, account management, and compliance processes. This not only helps meet stringent regulatory requirements but also reduces operational costs and improves efficiency.

Book an Appointment Today!

Join us on our journey to make a meaningful difference in the world of finance and social equity. To learn more about our initiatives, partnerships, or to discuss how you can be a part of this movement, book an appointment with us today. Together, we can bank black and drive positive change in the communities we serve.